On 24 October 2023, the INOWAS group provided a training course on numerical groundwater modelling using the free, web-based INOWAS platform for students and staff members of Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan. The course followed a lecture on managed aquifer recharge on 23 October and aimed to provide an introduction to numerical groundwater modelling using the INOWAS web-based graphic user interface for MODFLOW-2005, the widely-applied model for simulation of groundwater flow. The course includes five parts: a) introduction to the project and objectives of the course; b) short theoretical background on groundwater modelling using MODFLOW; c) presentation of INOWAS platform and its main features; d) joint exercise using a groundwater flow model from Astana; e) conclusions and discussion. The training course was hosted by Dr. Marzhan Baigaliyeva, post-doctoral researcher at the School of Mining and Geology of Nazarbayev University.
The event was organised within the framework of the joint German – Kazakhstan project TERESA “Urban water management: German expertise for Kazakh cities”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), grant no. 02WCL1552A. More information about the project is available at: https://www.teresa.inowas.com.