On 21-23 August, representatives from Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) and Institut für technisch – wissenschaftliche Hydrologie GmbH (itwh) travelled to Astana to discuss with partners from Nazarbayev University the installation of a research test site at the NU campus. The aim of the site is to support the acquisition of geophysical and technical data for the validation of the virtual model with regards to local characteristics (Work Package 4: “Demonstration and validation of the model”). The research will focus on groundwater management and rainwater management systems for testing and validating the efficiency of various infiltration scenarios based on local and regional water balance assessments. The concept for the test site, its technical components, as well as the preliminary results of surface water and groundwater modelling were presented and discussed in a half-day workshop with representatives from NU, R&D Engineering, and colleagues from other research and teaching institutions from Astana, Almaty and Taraz. The workshop was followed by technical meetings for detailed planning of the test site, as well as visits to the NU campus and a field trip to the Taldykol lakes area.